Modular Arithmetic

Modular arithmetic is a way of reducing problems to work on a smaller range of numbers \(\{0,1,\cdots,N-1\}\), and wraps around when you try to leave this range; for example, the time of day (where \(N=12\)).

We define \(x \pmod{m}\) (“x modulo m”) to be the remainder \(r\) when we divide \(x\) by \(m\). \((x \pmod{m}=r)\implies(x=mq+r)\) where \(0\leq r\leq m-1\) and \(q\) is an integer. Thus, \(16\pmod{12}\equiv 4\) and \(70\pmod{5}\equiv 0\).


Notice that \((x+y)\pmod{m} \equiv x\pmod{m}+y\pmod{m}\). For example, if \(x=70, y=61\) and \(m=20\), we can either do:




Likewise, we could save significant effort with this on multiplification: \((x \times y)\pmod{m} \equiv x\pmod m + y\pmod m\).


More generally, while carrying out any sequence of additions, subtractions or multiplifications mod m, we can get the same answer if we reduce any intermediate results, which can considerably simplify calculations.

Set Representation

There is an alternative view of modular arithmetic that can help make this more understandable. For any integer \(m\), we say \(x\) and \(y\) are congruent modulo \(m\) if they differ by a multiple of \(m\), or in symbols,

\[x\equiv y\pmod{m}\iff m\text{ divides }(x-y)\]

For example, 31 and 3 are congruent modulo 14 because 14 divides \(31-3\). We can also write \(22 \equiv -2\pmod{12}\). Notice that congruent modulos have the same remainder modulo \(m\).

In general, if we work modulo \(m\), we get \(m\) such disjoint sets whose union is the set of all integer: these are often called residue classes mod m. We can think of each set as represented by the unique element it contains in the range \((0, \cdots, m-1)\). The set represented by element \(i\) would be all numbers \(z\) such that \(z=mx+i\) for some integer \(x\). Observe all of these numbers have remainder \(i\) when divided by \(m\); therefore they are congruent modulo \(m\).

With this knowledge, we will prove our statement above in the “Computation” section:


If \(a\equiv c \pmod{m}\) and \(b\equiv d\pmod{m}\), then \(a+b\equiv c+d\pmod{m}\).


We know that \(c=a+km\) and \(d=b+lm\) for integers \(k, l\), so \(c+d=a_km+b+lm= a+b+(k+l)m\), which means that \(a+b\equiv c+d\pmod{m}\). The proof for multiplication is similar.


Another standard operation in arithmetic algorithms is raising one number to a power modulo another number: \(x^y\pmod{m}\), where \(x,y,m\) are natural numbers and \(m>0\)? Here is a fast approach:

algorithm mod-exp(x,y,m)
	if y=0
		z=mod-exp(x,y div 2,m)
		if y mod 2 = 0
			return(z * z mod m)
			return(x * z * z mod m)

This algorithm uses the fact any \(y>0\) can be written as \(y=2a\) or \(y=2a+1\), where \(a=\lfloor \frac{y}{2}\rfloor\) (which we have written as y div 2 in the above pseudo-code), plus the facts:

\[x^{2a}=(x^a)^2,\text{ and } x^{2a+1}=x(x^a)^2\]

The number of recursive calls is exactly equal to the number of bits \(n\) in \(y\). If we charge only constant time for each arithmetic operation, the running time for mod-exp is \(O(n)\), which is very efficient!

This is of course, only an elementary approach to understanding runtime. A fuller analysis of such algorithms is performed in CS170.



Euclid’s Algorithm

Extended Euclid’s Algorithm

Chinese Remainder Theorem